Wednesday, July 19, 2006

School or Working

Working or going to school
By Leslie
Working is something that we all have to do at some point in our lives. While working we have a paycheck to depend on each week. But without a good education the type of job you have may not be what you would like to do the rest of your life. Also, the pay is probably not as much as you would like it to be. But it may also be hard to go to school when you have bills to pay and family to take care of. A lot of people can’t afford to not work and go to school. But if at all possible it is a very wise choice to go to school no matter if you are just out of high school or an older person with a family. The advantages of a college degree are great. Just to be able to get up and go to a job that you enjoy would be amazing. Not to mention the difference in the pay with a college degree. Some people have to work while going to school. Which would be a hard and tiring thing to do but in the long run it would definitely be worth the rewards of a college degree!!!
My comparison to working from now going to school
By Nell
I worked at Rockcastle Manufacturing from 1995 to 2005. In September of 2005 the factory shut down and moved over seas. I know longer had the job I invested ten years of my life on.
I was then given the opportunity to go to college to make a career change from factory work to a better way of making a living. I took that opportunity and chose to go back to school after many years of being in the work force area.
The difference I have found in working and going back to school.
In the factory I stood in one spot on my feet 8 and 9 hours daily doing the same repeatly task.
In school I am sitting at a desk 5 and 6 hours a few a days out of the week learning new things.
The pay I received from working compared to the pay I receive from going to school is quite a drop, but the out come hopefully will be a great success.
Working compared to going to school
By Shawna
I have 11 years experience in the work force and I have about 6 months of adult education. I feel that my years of working have been a lot harder than the school experience. When I was working I was on my feet for at least 8 to 9 hours a day for 5 days compared to sitting and doing class work for about 5 to 6 hours a day for 2 or 3 days a week. I know have more time than ever to spend with my kids. To me that is the most important thing right now. When I worked I would be so tired when I got home I didn’t feel like doing anything with my kids. I am going to school now and at the end of the day I’m not as tired. I can go home and do what needs to be done and play with the kids and not feel so run down. There is one down fall, and it is money. I don’t have as much money now like I did when I worked. The family budget it a lot tighter than before.

Going to School or Going to Work
By Sandra
Going to school or going to work, what does a person do? What are the major differences between the two? The answer would vary according to whom you ask. The two are similar in many different ways. You still have to get up early in the morning. The pay is not near as good for going to school as it is for going to work. The benefits were better when I worked, as far as the insurance and vacation pay and monetary values. Although my job was not one of those that made you extremely happy when you got your check, it still helped pay the bills. On the other hand, the benefit of going back to school is a new challenge that may in the long run lead to a brighter future and a paycheck that will make me a little bit happier when I look at it. I feel that going back to school will create new opportunities for my future. Going to work everyday can be very satisfying just because we get used to the repetition of the same thing and the security that we feel we have from that job. The security that you think you have may not be as secure as you think In comparison between the two, we have to imagine that going back to school is our job right now and that we might in the end get a big promotion or we could get fired and have to start all over.


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