Tuesday, July 18, 2006

City or Country Living

Comparison between country living and city living
By Linda M

I have had a taste of both worlds, and believe me there is no comparison except the convenience of being close to the Post Office, grocery store, doctors, etc., when you live in the city.
When I was growing up, going to “town” was a very big deal.
You had to come in from your play, maybe a game of tag, or playing marbles, and get cleaned up before Mom would let you go with her to town. Sometimes, if the game was really fun, I would refuse to go. Seems to me that you hardly ever had to clean up nice when you lived in town because most of the time you were already clean to start with. When we lived at Brush Creek, I can remember going out to the garden and eating fresh tomatoes right off the vine. After we moved to town I don’t recall a single memory of anything like that. Could be we seldom had a space for a garden in town. It is funny that most of my good memories come from the times we lived in the country. There is nothing like waking up to the sound of birds right outside your window, or maybe going outside barefoot, to watch the Morning Glories open up to the day. The air seems fresher, not as much exhaust fumes maybe, when you live in the country. We felt safe too. I can remember going to bed with the doors unlocked at night, and if we wanted to go outside at 10:00 p.m. to catch lightning bugs, sometimes Mom would let us. My point is there just wasn’t that much to be afraid of. There is no amount of money that would get me to go to bed, living in the city, without all the doors and windows being secure.
I know people who would hate living in the country. They seem to think there is nothing to do. I don’t know where they got that goofy idea, because there is always something to do! Sitting on the porch, listening to the wind in the trees is a very nice way to relax. Try to do that in the city. You better have some fine hearing, because the sound can’t possibly get through the noise that traffic and loads of busy people make.
I am sure there is a million reasons a person could give as to why it is better to live in the city. I am just as sure that there is no way they could ever convince me it is a better life.
As the old saying goes, “to each his own”.
Living In The Country
Vs. Living In The City
By: Wendy

If anyone should know about living in the city I should. I lived in Ohio about eighteen years. I was thrilled to move from Ohio to Kentucky.
The new environment was worth the trip alone not counting the friendly people and the peace and quiet. I loved the new change. Unlike the city you can have bonfires, let off fireworks, and see the stars.
As a child I always loved coming to Kentucky and visiting family here. Every thing was so different. You could go to bed at night and not be awakened by car horns or semi-trucks. You had woods to play in and creeks to swim in.
When it comes to living in the country compared to living in the city there is no contest. I would choose the country every time. The eighteen years I lived in the city I lost count of the times people stole things from us. Once our house was broken into. I have lived here in Kentucky for about seven years now and have yet to have anyone break in or steal anything. That is something to say when something was stolen about every week. You would never leave your door unlocked or your car either. Eventually we got a privacy fence to go around the back yard so you could leave something in the back yard without it being stolen.
In my opinion living in the country is better than living in the city. To me sitting on your back porch viewing all the trees and occasionally a deer running through your yard compared to car horns and semi-trucks are no contest. The freedom you have in the country is far more than the freedom you have in the city.
Living in the city compared to the country


I could see the advantages of living in the city. You have more access to
restaurants and entertainment, and there are more career choices available, but in most cities the cost of living is higher, and there is a faster pace of lifestyle.

Compared to country life where you would likely enjoy a quiet, less hectic lifestyle, there’s usually a closeness in small community living that make people more friendly and helpful with one another.


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