Wednesday, July 19, 2006

School or Working

Working or going to school
By Leslie
Working is something that we all have to do at some point in our lives. While working we have a paycheck to depend on each week. But without a good education the type of job you have may not be what you would like to do the rest of your life. Also, the pay is probably not as much as you would like it to be. But it may also be hard to go to school when you have bills to pay and family to take care of. A lot of people can’t afford to not work and go to school. But if at all possible it is a very wise choice to go to school no matter if you are just out of high school or an older person with a family. The advantages of a college degree are great. Just to be able to get up and go to a job that you enjoy would be amazing. Not to mention the difference in the pay with a college degree. Some people have to work while going to school. Which would be a hard and tiring thing to do but in the long run it would definitely be worth the rewards of a college degree!!!
My comparison to working from now going to school
By Nell
I worked at Rockcastle Manufacturing from 1995 to 2005. In September of 2005 the factory shut down and moved over seas. I know longer had the job I invested ten years of my life on.
I was then given the opportunity to go to college to make a career change from factory work to a better way of making a living. I took that opportunity and chose to go back to school after many years of being in the work force area.
The difference I have found in working and going back to school.
In the factory I stood in one spot on my feet 8 and 9 hours daily doing the same repeatly task.
In school I am sitting at a desk 5 and 6 hours a few a days out of the week learning new things.
The pay I received from working compared to the pay I receive from going to school is quite a drop, but the out come hopefully will be a great success.
Working compared to going to school
By Shawna
I have 11 years experience in the work force and I have about 6 months of adult education. I feel that my years of working have been a lot harder than the school experience. When I was working I was on my feet for at least 8 to 9 hours a day for 5 days compared to sitting and doing class work for about 5 to 6 hours a day for 2 or 3 days a week. I know have more time than ever to spend with my kids. To me that is the most important thing right now. When I worked I would be so tired when I got home I didn’t feel like doing anything with my kids. I am going to school now and at the end of the day I’m not as tired. I can go home and do what needs to be done and play with the kids and not feel so run down. There is one down fall, and it is money. I don’t have as much money now like I did when I worked. The family budget it a lot tighter than before.

Going to School or Going to Work
By Sandra
Going to school or going to work, what does a person do? What are the major differences between the two? The answer would vary according to whom you ask. The two are similar in many different ways. You still have to get up early in the morning. The pay is not near as good for going to school as it is for going to work. The benefits were better when I worked, as far as the insurance and vacation pay and monetary values. Although my job was not one of those that made you extremely happy when you got your check, it still helped pay the bills. On the other hand, the benefit of going back to school is a new challenge that may in the long run lead to a brighter future and a paycheck that will make me a little bit happier when I look at it. I feel that going back to school will create new opportunities for my future. Going to work everyday can be very satisfying just because we get used to the repetition of the same thing and the security that we feel we have from that job. The security that you think you have may not be as secure as you think In comparison between the two, we have to imagine that going back to school is our job right now and that we might in the end get a big promotion or we could get fired and have to start all over.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Soft Drink Bottles

When you walk into a store you are thirsty and look at the 20-ounce soft drinks. There beside the soft drink are two-liter bottles of soft drinks. You take a good look, not only are there different types of soft drink, but there are different prices. You then ask yourself the question: Why does a two-liter bottle of soft drink cost less than a 20-ounce of soft drink?
In a two-liter bottle there are 67.63 ounces. The national average cost of a two-liter is around $1.10 a bottle. For a 20-ounce bottle the national cost is $1.23.
This poses a question of why does a two-liter bottle of soft drink cost more. You would think that a 20-ounce bottle would cost less.
A 2 liter bottle of soft drink has three times more pop than a 20-ounce bottle. Sure there is more for your money, but does that matter to people? People in today’s society are always searching for the easiest way out and what isthe shortcut. Does this apply to the choice of what one may buy? Yes, it can. Can you see a person walking around or going to the office with a two-liter bottleand drinking from it? You probably will not see that unless they plan on sharing it. You would see a person walking with a 20-ounce of soft drink though for themselves.
It is all about convenience. A 20-ounce bottle of soft drink is easier to carry around than a two-liter A 20-ounce bottle of water is smaller in size and is made for one person One can drink it and when it is all consumed, they can throw it away. A two-liter has more product for your money. It would probably take longer for one to drink all of it, depending on how thirsty that one might be.
Still the question is why is they such a price difference? Most things that are smaller cost more than the larger quantity. Why? More people will buy the “convenient “ product than bulk or larger quantity.
Every situation is different for every person. Smaller might be better, or the quantity might be better. If you have to pinch pennies then you would go for the one that has the most quantity. If space and time is at hand then you might buy a 20-ounce.
You decide.
by Amanda

How to Get Children to Mind

Which is a better method TIMEOUT or SPANKING
When raising a child you will learn the most effective way to discipline your child. Which is the proper method timeout or spanking? Everybody has their own opinion on which is the best technique. As a parent we need to know which way is more efficient. When comparing them, I think it is a decision you have to make on your own.

Studies show: this is why timeout is more effective. Timeout is a spot where you place your child in a room, chair, or a corner for a short time for misbehavior. The time depends on the child’s age. A minute for every year they are. If the child refuses to sit in the disciplinary area you should hold them there until it is time to get up. Over a period of time the child will sit willingly when they are told to go there. Timeout will not cause any physical harm. People believe spanking is cruel and can cause social problems. Here is a really interesting web site on timeout.,1510,5870,00.html

Some people are against timeout. Some people believe timeout is too much like putting your child in prison. They believe spanking your child is a good way to discipline them. They were spanked as a child and it didn’t bother them. The Bible speaks of spanking your child so it’s the "right thing to do." Here is a web site and here is another one

There is a lot to read about both issues. Which is right and which is the wrong way? I say it is a opinion. You can look it up and decide for your self. I will say I would of liked to have found this information a few years ago.
By Mellissa N

City or Country Living

Comparison between country living and city living
By Linda M

I have had a taste of both worlds, and believe me there is no comparison except the convenience of being close to the Post Office, grocery store, doctors, etc., when you live in the city.
When I was growing up, going to “town” was a very big deal.
You had to come in from your play, maybe a game of tag, or playing marbles, and get cleaned up before Mom would let you go with her to town. Sometimes, if the game was really fun, I would refuse to go. Seems to me that you hardly ever had to clean up nice when you lived in town because most of the time you were already clean to start with. When we lived at Brush Creek, I can remember going out to the garden and eating fresh tomatoes right off the vine. After we moved to town I don’t recall a single memory of anything like that. Could be we seldom had a space for a garden in town. It is funny that most of my good memories come from the times we lived in the country. There is nothing like waking up to the sound of birds right outside your window, or maybe going outside barefoot, to watch the Morning Glories open up to the day. The air seems fresher, not as much exhaust fumes maybe, when you live in the country. We felt safe too. I can remember going to bed with the doors unlocked at night, and if we wanted to go outside at 10:00 p.m. to catch lightning bugs, sometimes Mom would let us. My point is there just wasn’t that much to be afraid of. There is no amount of money that would get me to go to bed, living in the city, without all the doors and windows being secure.
I know people who would hate living in the country. They seem to think there is nothing to do. I don’t know where they got that goofy idea, because there is always something to do! Sitting on the porch, listening to the wind in the trees is a very nice way to relax. Try to do that in the city. You better have some fine hearing, because the sound can’t possibly get through the noise that traffic and loads of busy people make.
I am sure there is a million reasons a person could give as to why it is better to live in the city. I am just as sure that there is no way they could ever convince me it is a better life.
As the old saying goes, “to each his own”.
Living In The Country
Vs. Living In The City
By: Wendy

If anyone should know about living in the city I should. I lived in Ohio about eighteen years. I was thrilled to move from Ohio to Kentucky.
The new environment was worth the trip alone not counting the friendly people and the peace and quiet. I loved the new change. Unlike the city you can have bonfires, let off fireworks, and see the stars.
As a child I always loved coming to Kentucky and visiting family here. Every thing was so different. You could go to bed at night and not be awakened by car horns or semi-trucks. You had woods to play in and creeks to swim in.
When it comes to living in the country compared to living in the city there is no contest. I would choose the country every time. The eighteen years I lived in the city I lost count of the times people stole things from us. Once our house was broken into. I have lived here in Kentucky for about seven years now and have yet to have anyone break in or steal anything. That is something to say when something was stolen about every week. You would never leave your door unlocked or your car either. Eventually we got a privacy fence to go around the back yard so you could leave something in the back yard without it being stolen.
In my opinion living in the country is better than living in the city. To me sitting on your back porch viewing all the trees and occasionally a deer running through your yard compared to car horns and semi-trucks are no contest. The freedom you have in the country is far more than the freedom you have in the city.
Living in the city compared to the country


I could see the advantages of living in the city. You have more access to
restaurants and entertainment, and there are more career choices available, but in most cities the cost of living is higher, and there is a faster pace of lifestyle.

Compared to country life where you would likely enjoy a quiet, less hectic lifestyle, there’s usually a closeness in small community living that make people more friendly and helpful with one another.

Drinking Water

Tap water to bottled water.
People drink bottled water for quality, safety, and good taste. There is no health advantage being gained by drinking it, nor has bottled water been proven to be safer than tap water. City tap water, and urban water supplies are tested 100 or more times a month for pathogens, while bottled water plants are required to be tested just once weekly.
In 2005, ten million dollars was spent on bottled water. It is second to soft drinks consumed in the U.S. So why spend a buck or more for a bottle of water, when it costs less than a penny for a glass of water.?
By Teresa C.

Eating at Home or Eating Out

My comparison is about eating at home versus eating out. I eat at home most of the time, so this is probably going to be biased.
The following are the pros of eating at home and eating out. Eating at home is convenient. You don’t have to dress up; you can stay in your pajamas. You can even eat with your elbows on the table. Eating at home is inexpensive; you fix whatever you have in the cabinets. Eating at home is timely; you can eat whenever you feel like it.
Eating out is convenient. You go in, order, sit down, eat, and leave. Eating out is cheap, when you consider sandwiches for less than a dollar. Eating out is timely; you can eat whenever you want, anything you want.
The following is the cons of eating at home and eating out. Eating at home is messy; you have to clean up from fixing the meal and then clean up after everyone else that eats at your home. Eating at home takes up your time; just to fix and clean up a simple meal would take at least an hour. Eating at home is expensive; you have to keep a little bit of everything in your kitchen. You also have to consider the expense of your electric, water, and cookware.
Eating out is time consuming. You have to dress appropriately for the establishment you are dining at; you could even have to make reservations before hand. Eating out is expensive; a really nice dinner could cost fifteen dollars or more per person. If you eat out you should mind your manners a little better than at home.
As you can see, where you eat is all about you and what you like.
By Vickie

Feeding Babies

Bottle Feeding Vs. Breast Feeding
I am comparing bottle-feeding and breast-feeding. There are several different organizations that will tell you that breast-feeding is best for the baby. According to these organizations there are many advantages to breast-feeding. Most things I read on the Internet are in favor of breast-feeding; there weren’t many pros for bottle-feeding. There was only one main pro to bottle-feeding that I have found and that was that it allows other people to bond with the infant. There were many more pros to breast-feeding; the main one being that the baby is less likely to become sick.
by Shannon

Buying A Used Car

The difference in buying a used car or a certified pre-owned vehicle

You may be thinking about buying a used vehicle. You could buy one from a used car lot or from someone you know but most of the time these cars are not going to have the proper inspections that they need to be ready for the road. You want to know your buying something dependable and not just cheap. It might be best to buy a certified pre-owned vehicle. They do cost a little more but they do come with a manufacturer’s warranty.
Certified pre-owned vehicles always have low mileage and they have certified technicians who have inspected and serviced the vehicle. They do cost a little more but usually you can get more features and options. So, if you want to buy a used vehicle just make sure you explore all your options.

Medications and Kids

To Medicate or Not To Medicate
My son was diagnosed with ADD, (Attention Deficit Disorder), when he was eight years of age. This meant going to see the doctor to get an opinion on some form of medication to help my son do better while he was in school. I was not prepared for my son to have to take any form of medication. My son has a pacemaker and I wasn’t even sure if he could take these medications.
I had to notify his heart doctor and make an appointment with him. He said my son could take the new medication but would have to be closely monitored for any increase of heart palpitations, and weight loss. I asked did he really need this medication?He told me it would greatly improve my son’s attention span and he would start to learn and function as a normal child of his age. I agreed with the doctor because he seemed to really know what he was talking about and had the documents to back up what he was telling me.
He was first put him on Adderal, 20mg. every morning. Then his doctor put him on new time release Adderal. They both seemed to help. And they suppressed his appetite quite a bit. When my son got to be twelve his doctors decided to change his medication once again. That’s when I stood my ground.
He had been on the other two medications and was doing well but not well enough. My son was taking the medication 7 days a week every day not missing any days out of the year. My son was not his old self. I missed my son being the way he used to be. He used to be so funny and so full life. That’s when I asked his doctors if he could just take the medication for school hours only. The doctor said we could try it for one month. And we had to notify the school of the new plans.
The new medication was Ritalin, and it really seemed to be working. This website offers a lot of controversial studies on both of the medications my son has taken and is still taking.
The doctors did eventually change the way he takes his medication. He now is taking 20 mg. in the morning, and another 20 mg. at lunchtime. The doctors have helped my son tremendously. He no longer takes medication on the weekends, no summer vacations, holidays, or any other scheduled time off from school. His teachers have noticed a big change in his attitude and his self-esteem has greatly improved. And he loves the freedom from the medication. As well as I do I have my old son back and he can still learn and function as a normal child.
By Melanie

Country vs City Living

Living in the city vs. Living in the country
I really have no experience at all about living in the city, but I have had the liberty of visiting. A few years ago my best friend Georgie and I went to Cincinnati, Ohio to stay a week with my aunt Susie. Now I have lived in the country all my life, well actually it was more like the woods. My dad built our house right on the edge of the woods, so I guess it’s safe to say I lived in the woods. There was not a neighbor in my back yard or within nine feet from our house. Where my aunt lived right down town you could not stand between her house and the neighbor’s house with your arms outstretched without touching either house. Now I know that I’m just a simply country girl, but come on Aunt, this was just a little close for comfort. We went up there on Sunday and we were supposed to come home the following Sunday. Oh Lord, I got so homesick it was pitiful. About Wednesday I wanted to come home. I know that Ohio is not that far from Kentucky, but to me it was so different. Now when I am at home and somebody goes up or down the road, you know these people and you wave or holler or ask them to “get out and come in for a spell”. You don’t do that where Susie lived. We could be setting out on the front porch of my aunt's house and see some of the rag about muffins that go by and brother you don’t want to wave, much less ask them to come in and set a spell. Across the street where Susie lived there was this huge house and it was divided into to houses, someone lived in one side and some other family lived in the other side. The old man that lived alone in one side of this house had died, and no one knew it for three days. Now I don’t know about you but to me that is very, very sad. My aunt said that she didn’t even know this man. I know that when you live in a God forsaken place like that, most of the time you don’t want to know most of your neighbors, but an innocent old man that had no body else; it looks to me like you could manage to say hi or, how are you today?
So in conclusion to my little paper I would like to say that to me there is not much of a comparison between living in the city to the country. I would take my simple, slow, contented life of country living anytime to living in the city... thank you very much.
By Tressa